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 QDKP Download/Guide

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Posts : 122
Join date : 2010-07-24
Age : 33

QDKP Download/Guide Empty
PostSubject: QDKP Download/Guide   QDKP Download/Guide EmptyMon Oct 17, 2011 11:34 pm

Step 1: Download the actual addon Unzip file and place its contents in your drive:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns folder.

Step 2: To ensure your addon settings are configured to match our guild, download Copy this file over to your drive:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns\QDKP_V2 folder, it will ask for a confirmation to replace the existing file in there, accept it.

Step 3: To ensure your addon settings are configured to match our guild, download Copy this file over to your drive:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns\QDKP_V2\Code folder, it will ask for a confirmation to replace the existing file in there, accept it.

You'r now able to control members DKP within the game, enjoy

Few tips and pointers on how the addon works and how to use it, also contains warnings which if broken, may result in sewere punishment or even dismissal from guild.
  • To access the QDKP User Interface either type /qdkp GUI or click on the QDKP icon near your Minimap, this is the easiest and simpliest way to alter your raiders DKP statuses.
  • QDKP stores the DKP values of the raiders in the guild members Officer Notes, therefore only guild members with access to modify Officer Notes are able to lead actual DKP raids.
  • QDKP automatically synchronizes it's data with the Officer Notes as soon as you log on. It changes its values to fit the Officer Notes, to ensure the data is up to date incase you are wanting to lead a raid.
  • I suggest you uncheck "Give DKP at Bosses Death" option, and the "Auto Detect Winners" option within the User Interface of your addon, I aswell suggest that you don't alter or ever turn on the "Timer" option, unless your completely aware of how they work, and check about it with me.
  • To award DKP to every single raid member currently online and apart of your raid, simply open the QDKP User Interface, enter the DKP value that you'r wanting to award in the "Raid" box, and click on the "Award" button. It's that simple.
  • To subtract DKP from a specific member, click on the "Roster" button, select the member whos DKP you want to alter by left mouse clicking on his name, enter the value that you want to subtract in the "DKP" box, and click the "Spend -" button. The same can be applied to add DKP to a specific individual, with an exception of clicking "Award +" button instead of the "Spend -" button.
  • I've decided to optionally let users raid with us who aren't apart of our guild. For more info on how to do this click here.
  • When leading a raid, make sure only one DKP Officer is keeping track of the DKP, otherwise you may run into some issues.
  • Be aware that the punishment for attempting to trick, steal, or alter DKP into anyones benefit is as sewere as being kicked out of guild, the proper use and knowledge of addon, informs every DKP leader with the addon of all the changed Officer Notes and DKP values, so play it safe.

If you've read all the above tooltips, I'm sure that your more than ready to use the addon, and have a certain understanding of how it works, so go out there, kick some ass, and control some DKPs, have fun and enjoy.
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